Hanukah 5760 Quiz

  Please try your luck on our first Havurah Quiz. You won't become a millionaire (sorry, Regis) but you will find out how much you know about Hanukah.
  Select the correct answers by using the drop-down menus. When you are finished, click [Submit]. Your score will be posted at the bottom of the page. The questions that you answered incorrectly will have an “x” in the box. Good luck!
  (The fine print: All answers have been thoroughly and painstakingly researched by our resident Hanukah enthusiasts, Laura & Charles Kaplan. Any disagreements, see them ...)

1) Hanukah celebrates 
2) Who was Judah Maccabee's father? 
3) Who were the 5 Maccabee brothers? 
4) Judah Maccabee and his brothers were from a family of 
5) Maccabee means 
6) In what town did the Maccabees live? 
7) Why did the Maccabees revolt? 
8) Why does Hanukah last for 8 days? 
9) In what year was the Maccabee revolt? 
10) What is the date of Hanukah? 
11) What does the second Hanukah blessing give thanks for? 
12) Who is the Maccabee-era heroine who defeated the Greek general Holofernes? 
13) What are the letters on an American dreidel? 
14) What is the HEBREW word for potato pancakes? 

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