Wildacres sets summer symposium
The 66th Annual Wildacres B’nai B’rith Institute of Judaism will be August 12-15, 2013, in North Carolina’s Little Switzerland, aptly named for its spectacular beauty. A $10 per person discount applies to payments received by June 15. Full kosher meals, two-bedded rooms with private bath, live Blue Ridge Mountain music, hiking, card table games and three outstanding speakers are included in the cost: $360/per person, double occupancy or add $140 for single occupancy.
Three outstanding speakers will cover a variety of Jewish topics.
Eli Groner, Israel’s Minister to the U.S. for Economic Affairs, Washington D.C., was born in the U.S. He emigrated to Israel with his family as a teenager. He holds a BA in Political Science from Bar-Ilan University and an MBA from New York University. His topics include:
• Israel Confidential
• Israel at the UN: the Challenges Facing Israel Today
• The Secret Sauce for a Start-Up Nation
Joel Hoffman has lectured on translation, Hebrew, and Torah at Brandeis and at Hebrew Union College. He writes a bi-weekly column for the Jerusalem Post. Joel is a National Jewish Book Award winner, and the author of “And God Said: How Bad Translations Conceal the Bible’s Original Meaning.” His topics include:
• On the Bible’s Cutting Room Floor
• The Bible Doesn’t Say That
• 3,000 Years of Jewish Continuity through 3,000 Years of Hebrew
Jeffrey Morton, professor of Political Science at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Fla., is a designated Master Teacher, the 2004 University Researcher of the Year, and the 2012 College Distinguished Teacher of the Year. He teaches international law, diplomacy and American foreign policy. His topics include:
• Iranian Nuclear Threat
• The Role of International Law in American Foreign Policy
• Confronting Terrorism
Checks for $360/person, double occupancy (add $140 for single occupancy) should be made payable to B’nai B’rith Institute for Judaism and mailed to Sandra Apple, 4200 Stratton Village Ln., Wilmington, NC 28409. Remember to deduct $10 per person when payment is received by June 15.
For information about needs based scholarships, contact Karen Shectman, 919.533.8032.
For more information contact Bill Carr at bcarr@ipass.net or 919.781.4207.
For more information or to register online, visit www.wildacres.org.