Butterfly Project seeks support

Women’s Professional Network…forging relationships, building community

invites the community to

Art, Heart and Soul
A special program combining
The Butterfly Project and “Books, Blankets and Bears”

Thursday, October 25, 2012, 6-7:30 p.m.

Participate in The Butterfly Project, a poignant and interactive tribute to the 1.5 million children who perished in the Holocaust. The simple act of painting a butterfly represents each child’s spirit and has taken on a life of its own.

The Books, Blankets and Bears Project is done in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and as an extension of the Women’s Professional Network’s Shalom Bayit/NC initiative, they will be contributing books, blankets and bears to the Battered Women’s Shelter. Over the last year we collected cellphones for the shelter. They are still needed, so consider giving your cast-offs and replacements, as well. Bring your items to an upcoming Havurat Tikvah event or service or take them to the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte’s office located at Shalom Park, 5007 Providence Rd.

To make a reservation by Oct. 18 or for more information, contact Sue Littauer at 704.944.6758, sue.littauer@jewishcharlotte.org or visit jewishcharlotte.org.

The Women’s Professional Network presented by the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte offers women the opportunity to engage socially and connect with a cause. The Network meets 5 times each year and is open to all professional women who contribute a minimum of $180 to the Annual Campaign.